Wednesday, February 14, 2007

RFU 1-07

RFU 1-07 Copyright 2/07 by McCall/Zimmon/Gallagher/Sears

Disclaimer: The following program contains material that is guaranteed to offend somebody somewhere. Reader discretion is advised.

Theme Music: They’re not in tune with nature
They’re not in tune with Zen
We thought they finally went away
But now they’re back again
So now for all you folks out there
Who do not have a clue
Here now is Piston McCauffey
The host of RFU…

Piston: Radio Free Urine is on the air! Hello to all you folks out there in radio land, this is your old friend, Piston McCauffey, coming to you from the big building with the statue of naked people out front.

Well the Paulie Family has stirred up quite a bit of excitement in Berlin, Germany where after the band gave a fine performance at the Columbiahalle, Paulie Family bandleader, Paul (Refuses To Have A Nickname) Zimmon, announced that he was running for the office of Chancellor on the new Nicer Gentler Snotzi Party ticket.

Oddly enough, Paul actually managed to get elected as Chancellor, and now the German political system has been plunged into total chaos. We take you now to our on the spot reporter, Anita Bier. Come in, Anita Bier.

(The sounds of rioting, sirens, gunshots, and “Yankee Go Home!” can be heard in the background.)

Anita: Piston, I’m here in Berlin where the political unrest has spiraled out of control. Paulie Family bandleader and now German Chancellor, Paul (Refuses To Have A Nickname) Zimmon for some odd reason has locked himself inside of a fenced area. I’m going to try and get a word with him if I can… Excuse me, Paul! Can I ask you some questions?

Paul: What do you want; can’t you see I’m busy?

Anita: Paul, why have you locked yourself inside of this fenced area?

Paul: This is my concentration camp.

Anita: I see, and how is it working out?

Paul: Terrible, I can’t concentrate with all this noise.

(Paul shouts at the rioting crowd to be quiet, but they don’t comply.)

Paul: And what’s with these people? I keep trying to tell them about how my Nicer, Gentler Snotzi Party is going to make things all better for everyone, and they just stare at me like I’m speaking a foreign language or something.

Anita: Well you are in Germany.

Paul: What does that have to do with anything?

Anita: They speak German here.

Paul: That’s nonsense! I went into a restaurant yesterday and ordered a Sauerkraut Volkswagen with a side of Gesundheit and they acted like I was a tourist or something!

(Tracy comes walking up out of nowhere. He’s replaced his glasses by wearing not one, but two monocles, and he’s dressed in lederhosen.)

Tracy: May I see your handkerchief, please?

Anita: Excuse me?

Tracy: Your handkerchief, show me your handkerchief!

Anita: Don’t you mean my papers or my passport?

Tracy: No you daft twat, I mean your handkerchief!

Anita: Why do want to see my handkerchief?

Tracy: Because I’m the Boogermeister, that’s why!

Paul: He is the Boogermeister; I appointed him myself!

Anita: What exactly is a Boogermeister?

Tracy: I’m the Meister of Boogers; that’s why it’s called Boogermeister.

Paul: You hit that one right on the nose!

(There’s a pause just before Paul and Tracy fall to the ground laughing at Paul’s intended pun.)

Anita: It doesn’t appear to me that either of you are taking the politics of this country very seriously.

(Paul and Tracy stop laughing and get up off the ground.)

Tracy: Look, do we try to tell you how to follow us around and ask us stupid questions?

Paul: Yeah, and I’m not so sure I like your tone! Maybe I should sic Tim on you!

Anita: Are you referring to Tim, your Road Manager?

Paul: No, I promoted him to Field Marshall.

Anita: So where is Tim now?

Paul: Out marshalling fields, where else would a Field Marshall be?

Anita: How exactly do you Marshall a field?

(The scene shifts to a field of tall grass where we find Tim standing alone, dressed in a Gestapo uniform, and yelling at the grass.)


(Tim sees one blade of grass slightly sagging. He bends over to stare it down.)


(The scene shifts back to Anita, who has reluctantly surrendered her handkerchief to Tracy. Tracy stares at the handkerchief in disgust.)


Anita: What in the hell are you talking about?

Paul: Go easy on her; she’s the only reporter here that speaks English!

Tracy: Oh alright, I’ll tell ya’ what… You can have some of mine…

(Before Anita can protest Tracy blows his nose into Anita’s handkerchief with a mighty honking sound. Tracy hands Anita back her handkerchief.)

Tracy: There you go, all nice and legal now!

(Anita reluctantly puts the handkerchief back into her purse as JD comes walking up. JD, who hasn’t been out on a date since he became Paul’s Spiritual Advisor six years ago decides to make small talk with Anita.)

JD: Caught with an empty hanky, huh? Boy I hate when that happens!

Anita: JD, what part do you play in this new political system?

JD: I’m the Minister of the Interior.

Anita: And how is that working out for you?

JD: It sucks; this is the first time I’ve been outdoors in weeks!

Paul: Hey, Minister of the Interior! I need your report!

JD: It’s still warm and dry on the inside!

Paul: Good! Consistency, that’s what a good government needs!

Tracy: Who could’ve imagined that some day we’d all be in charge of the beer capital of the world?

Paul: Beer capital of the world?

Tracy: Well yeah, Reinheitsgetbot and all that, y’know?

Paul: But I quit drinking, I don’t want to be in charge of the beer capital of the world! Let me out of this damn thing!

(Paul begins shaking the locked gates of the concentration camp. Meanwhile, the citizens appear to be forming a lynch mob with rope, torches, etc.)

Anita: Paul, the crowd seems to be becoming more restless. What are you going to do?

Paul: Ah look at ‘em all, bless their hearts! It looks like they’re going to have a barbecue and they’re coming over to invite us. I gotta tell ya’… These people may not make any sense when they talk, but they’re good kind people! I’m really gonna miss this place!

(As the angry crowd gets closer Paul begins having second thoughts.)

Paul: Jeez, what’s with these people? If this is the beer capital of the world then they all must be drunk! But why are they so unruly? I was never like this when I was drunk, was I?

Anita/Tracy/JD: YES YOU WERE!!!

Paul: Oh. Well then perhaps we’d better leave. Hey, Boogermeister, open up this gate!

Tracy: I don’t have the keys.

Paul: What do you mean you don’t have the keys? YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE THE BOOGERMEISTER!!!


Paul: I don’t know, I guess if you stick a key up your nose you can unlock the mysteries of the human mind?

(Tracy looks at JD.)

Tracy: Alright, what have you been telling him?

JD: Me? What makes you think I had anything to do with it?

Tracy: Because you’re his Spiritual Advisor and not even I am crazy enough to think that you can unlock the mysteries of the human mind by sticking a key up your nose!

JD: Okay, I thought it might make for good conversation if we ever get invited on the Dr. Phil Show.

Tracy: And why would we ever be invited on the Dr. Phil Show?

JD: Why not? We got invited on Hollywood Squares once, didn’t we?

(The reference to Hollywood Squares brings back terrifying memories for Paul, who had Anna Nicole Smith fall on him when The Paulie Family appeared on Hollywood Squares.)

Tracy: Ah, Anna Nicole… May she rest in peace.

Paul: What are you talking about? She died without ever paying me one penny from that $300,000,000 logsuit NO THANKS TO YOU MR. ATTORNEY AT LOG!!!

Tracy: Hey, she never would’ve landed on you if you hadn’t fallen out of the center square!

Paul: And I never would’ve fallen out of the center square if you guys hadn’t pushed me!

Tracy: And we never would’ve pushed you if they hadn’t stuck all nine of us in the center square!

Paul: And they never would’ve stuck all nine of us in the center square if I hadn’t…

(There’s a pause as Paul remembers that the Hollywood Squares fiasco was his fault. Thinking quickly, Paul decides to change the subject.)

Paul: Wait a minute, WHERE’S TIM???!!!

(The scene shifts back to the field of tall grass, where Tim, who hadn’t joined up with The Paulie Family yet when they appeared on Hollywood Squares, is still yelling at the same blade of grass.)


(Meanwhile back at the concentration camp, the angry mob is coming closer.)

Anita: Piston, I think I’m going to turn it back over to you while I get the hell out of here!

Piston: Thank you, Anita Bier! Well folks, The Paulie Family hasn’t let touring or running another country keep them out of the recording studio, speaking of which, let’s take a look at this week’s Top 10 Pillboard Chart:

1. What Condition That My Kitchen Was In by The Paulie Family
2. Change Of Fart by Tom Sweaty and The Fartbreakers
3. You’ll Never Find Another Log Like Mine by Poo Rawls
4. Turd Time Lucky (First Time I Was A Stool) by Loghat
5. Piss Little Girl by Gary U.S. Bondage
6. Three Ring Circumcision by Jew Magic
7. Whizzing Off The Dock Into Bay by Otis Wetting
8. Runny by Booby Nosepearl
9. Cumshine On Your Glove by Cream
10. A Beans And Beer Morning by The Asscalls

And that’s right folks; The Paulie Family has another #1 song, and let’s listen to it now…

Music: What Condition That My Kitchen Was In (Sung to the tune of What Condition My Condition Was In by Kenny Rogers and The First Edition

Yeah, yeah, oh yeah, what condition that my kitchen was in.

I woke up this mornin' with my ceiling caving in
I went to my toilet and left a great big turd within
I went into my kitchen to feed my cat
But all the cat food had been eaten by a rat
I just dropped in to see what condition that my kitchen was in.

Yeah, yeah, oh yeah, what condition that my kitchen was in.

I looked in my refrigerator to see if it works, but it doesn't
I ate what I thought was a Milk Dud off the floor, but it wasn't
Dirty dishes are piled up like children's blocks
If empty beer cans were gold this would be Fort Knox
I just dropped in to see what condition that my kitchen was in.

Yeah, yeah, oh yeah, what condition that my kitchen was in.

Somebody stuck a condemned sign on my door and then ran like hell
I guess I need to take out the garbage ‘cos it's really piling up and starting to smell
My dishes just need a few more days to soak
Whether or not I’ll ever wash them is a running joke
I just dropped in to see what condition that my kitchen was in.
I said I just dropped in to see what condition that my kitchen was in.

Yeah, yeah, oh yeah.

Piston: And there you have it folks, another #1 song by The Paulie Family written by that harmonious and habitually hackneyed hermit hiding happily in his harborage of hopelessly haggard housework... Tracy (Never had a nickname) McCall!

(The phone rings. It’s the fat woman that’s always calling in to complain about how The Paulie Family is always making fun of fat people.)

Piston: Radio Free Urine, you’re on the air!

FW: I’d like to know why The Paulie Family has all this time to make fun of fat Germans when there are plenty of fat people right here in America to make fun of?

Piston: Well Gee, I don’t know. Perhaps they just needed to experience the diversity in the cultures of fat people in other countries.

FW: Do you think they’ll return home soon?

Piston: That’s hard to say. The Paulie Family isn’t really known for sticking to tight touring schedules. You’re not jealous because they’re paying attention to other fat people, are you?

FW: Oh no, it’s just that I’m fat and they’re the only people that ever talk to me.

Piston: But don’t they always insult you?

FW: Yeah, but when it comes to attention, boogers can’t be cheesy.

Piston: Boogers can’t be cheesy?

FW: Yeah, I thought of that myself. It’s a word play on “beggars can’t be choosy.” I thought Tracy would appreciate it, what with him being a Boogermeister now and all.

Piston: Well if I know Tracy, and I do, I think there’s only one thing he’d say to boogers can’t be cheesy.

FW: What’s that?

Piston: He’d say “Oh yeah, haven’t you ever heard of cheeseboogers?”

(Piston hangs up the phone.)

Piston: Well folks, it looks like that’s all the time we have for today’s show, so be sure to join us here again next time for Radio Free Urine!


Credits: Tracy (Never Had A Nickname) McCall
Head Writer, Singer, Songwriter
Attorney at Log

Paul (Refuses To Have A Nickname) Zimmon
Band Leader, Lead and Rhythm Guitars,
Script Ideas.

Tim (Has Too Many Nicknames) Gallagher
Road Manager, Archives, Script Ideas and Additional Material.

JD (Don’t Know What The D Stands For) Sears
Paul’s Spiritual Advisor, Conga Player,
Script Ideas.