Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Blood & Bath Concert Review

The Blood & Bath Concert Review

Blue Cheer at the Aladdin Theater, Thursday, 7/27/06.

Back in 1968 Blue Cheer had the unofficial designation as “The loudest band on the planet.” Fast forward about 38 years and we find the original founder, Dickie Peterson (vocals, bass guitar) at the age of 58 looking like a 90 year old Hell’s Angel. But make no mistake here folks, Dickie Peterson is NOT just another burned out rock star from the ‘60s.

Joined by the original drummer, Paul Whaley, and long time guitarist Andrew (Duck) McDonald (original guitarist Leigh Stevens left the band after their second album), Dickie Peterson walked out on stage, announced “We’re Blue Cheer, and this is what we do,” and proceeded to let loose an onslaught of sheer volume that I can only compare to a hovering Harrier Fighter Jet.

Starting off with the song Babylon from their second album they stuck to their first two albums (all of Vincibus Eruptum and half of Outsideinside) which were the band’s peak moments of talent, and they played it with no less volume and intensity than they did 38 years ago. Through the entire show my sternum shook with every bass note, my arm hairs and hat vibrated with every guitar note, I thought my glasses were going to shatter with every beat of the drums, and this power trio band rattled my brain inside of my skull for about an hour and a half. And I loved every second of it.

If you have sensitive ears don’t even bother trying to enjoy the music of Blue Cheer, but if you’re up to the challenge and you want to see an old ‘60s band that can still live up their reputation then Blue Cheer is a must see live band. And at only $18.50 per ticket (before the service charge) you get more than your money’s worth out of Blue Cheer, unlike some other bands and artists from the ‘60s that think they’re doing you a favor by coming to your town and charging you anywhere from $60 to $150 for a lackluster performance (are you deadheads out there listening?).

Tracy (Never Had A Nickname) McCall
Head Writer,
Singer, Songwriter,
Attorney at Log
Paulie Family Productions


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