Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Famous Last Words

The Paulie Family
Phew, that was close!" "Red wire? Blue wire? Red wire, blue wire.... Red wi.." "Actually darling, YES! Your bum DOES look big in that!" "Don't worry, we'll be safe in here" "Gerrrronimoooooo!" "What does this button do?" "Is that thing loaded?" "OK, I've removed the pin..... now what?" "I'll go first, I'm sure it's safe" "Ahhh, isn't that sweet, I wonder where the mommy tiger is" "Now I have you in my power Mr. Fantabuloso, nothing can stop me. .... I am invincible!!" "Of course there's no one else Debbi...I mean Alice" "Oh yeah, you and whose army?" "Yep, my tour of duty ends tomorrow, and then it's back home to marry my childhood sweetheart, just this one final mission" "If you Hells Angels are so tough, why do you dress so gay?" "What's that ticking sound?" "Pentagram you say, it was supposed to have been a pentagram?" "Whoops" "I'm not sure, what do piranhas look like?" "10 bucks says I can make it through that level crossing before the train does" "Oh come off it, just how deadly can a tinsy winsy little spider like that be?" "Of course I'm not too drunk to drive" "Perhaps they're friendly" "Wow, the dark cloak, skull head, scythe, Man, your Grim Reaper costume is really convincing" "Relax dude, I've been out running twisters like this for yeaaaaarrrrrrrsssss______" "Good morning class, I'm your new instructor, Professor Butterfingers, In my hand I am holding a glass vial full of one of the most lethal neurotoxins known to ... ooops" "Look, the odds of anything going wrong are a million to one" "Hey, aren't you that guy in the wanted posters" "I think the air might be breathable on this planet, let me just get this helmet off and...." "Wolves? Nah, there haven't been wolves in these parts for decades" "Don't be silly, you couldn't possibly have seen a veloco-raptor" "Let me explain why I don't have your money, Mr. Corellione" "Just wait here dear, I think I saw a telephone a few miles back, I won't be long" "Behind me? Oh really, you don't think I'm going to fall for that old trick do you?" "Trip wire? What trip wir..." "Why are you looking so nervous, I thought you'd be pleased I got tickets for the game, even though it's the Man U end... ooohhh look GOOOAAAALLLL!!! "errr, hey, guys, guys, so I screwed up, big time, but we're still friends right?"


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